Safe Use and Careful Maintenance of Warehouse Racking Systems

 Warehouse racking systems are an extremely space-efficient form of storage, capable of holding tonnes of goods within a minimal footprint. However, the combination of vertically stacked heavy loads and the fast-moving workplace transport (commonly forklifts) around these stacks presents significant risks. Minimizing these risks involves focusing on three key areas:

  1. Ensuring racking is built, loaded, and, if necessary, modified in line with manufacturers’ guidelines
  2. Encouraging safe behavior among employees loading and unloading or working around racking
  3. Monitoring any damage to racking frames and ensuring repairs don’t compromise their strength

Shelf Life

Racking systems should be installed by competent assemblers in line with the codes published by the Storage Equipment Manufacturers’ Association (SEMA) ( Manufacturers are required to provide safe loading data for all racking systems. For new installations, SEMA members will supply load data notices to be displayed at the end of each run of racking, stating the maximum loading weights for bays and individual beams and the height of the first beam level.

All beams should have safety locks fitted. These low-cost components are designed to prevent the beam from being raised accidentally when the pallet below is lifted, which could dislodge multiple 1000kg pallets, potentially causing them to fall on the driver and anyone else below.

Any changes to beam levels must be made with careful reference back to the manufacturer or supplier, with written confirmation that the racking can cope with the new configuration. As illustrated in Figure 1, raising a lower beam by a few centimeters affects the loading capacity of the entire frame.

Adequate handling clearances between pallet loads and the racking frame should be set and enforced. SEMA specifies a minimum clearance of 75mm between the top of the load and the beam above and on each side. These are absolute minima, and the more clearance you can allow, the safer your operation. Too little clearance makes it difficult to remove the load without hitting the beam above. Above all, pallet loads should not be stored hard up against frames, as this risks damaging the frame uprights and bracing members.

Good Housekeeping

Given the slim frames and constant movement of heavily weighted vehicles like 4.5-tonne forklifts, it is unrealistic to expect that racking will not sustain knocks at some point. The goal should be to minimize these knocks and be aware of every impact the system takes.

Strictly enforced rules on safe driving, speed limits, and observing floor markings are essential. Lift-truck drivers may assume that there is enough of a safety margin in the racking construction to allow for limited damage. While this safety factor may exist, employees must not take it for granted. Their job descriptions should include working in a way that avoids damage to the frames while loading, unloading, or simply working near the racking.

Removable column guards or guard-rails are options to prevent lift trucks from getting too close to the racking structure. Corner uprights are especially exposed and worth protecting and/or painting a bright color to make them highly visible.

All workers should be trained to keep aisles between racking free of anything that might obstruct vehicles. Pallet loads or debris will reduce clearance for drivers, increasing the likelihood of collisions with surrounding frames. Good housekeeping helps avoid slips and trips and contributes to vehicle safety. For example, a wire-guided forklift deflected by shrink-wrap packaging left on a warehouse floor can break wire contact and cause the truck to crash into nearby racking.

Monitoring and Repairs

Any combination of alterations, damage, and misaligned loading can compromise the frame structure to the point of collapse, even if it is not overloaded. Monitoring and assessing any damage to the racking structure is crucial, meaning anyone working around the racking must report any damage. This includes drivers who clip the frame turning at the end of a bay or depot managers noting a beam deflection during a stock check.

Racking should be inspected at least annually by a SEMA-approved rack inspector. Ideally, an independent inspector without ties to a supplier/repairer should be contracted, and any reported defects should be addressed promptly. Monitoring the condition of the pallets placed on the racks is also vital for overall stability and safety. Implement a system to report damaged pallets so they can be removed and returned for repair or disposal.

When damage to uprights or beams is identified, the affected bay should be offloaded, and employees should be warned not to use it until repairs are completed. Typically, damaged sections should be replaced with like-for-like components. Splicing new sections or welding in "foreign" sections is not an adequate form of repair. Verify that anyone working on your racking can prove their competence with a SEIRS card, indicating they have completed SEMA’s Storage Equipment Installers Registration Scheme, supported by the HSE.

Racking is an integral part of warehouse infrastructure, but it should not be taken for granted in health and safety assessments. Regular inspections, proper maintenance, and strict adherence to safety protocols are essential for ensuring the safety and efficiency of warehouse operations.
