
Showing posts from February, 2024

What Not To Do With Your Warehouse Racking System?

  Improper handling and maintenance of warehouse racking systems can lead to accidents, damage to goods, and inefficient operations. Here are some key things to avoid: Overloading : Exceeding the weight capacity specified for your racking system can lead to collapse and serious accidents. Always adhere to the load limits recommended by the manufacturer. Ignoring Inspection and Maintenance : Neglecting regular inspections and maintenance can lead to unnoticed damage or wear and tear, increasing the risk of collapse. Inspect your racking system regularly for signs of damage such as bent or twisted components, corrosion, or loose connections. Incorrect Installation : Improper installation can compromise the structural integrity of the racking system. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully during installation, and if in doubt, consult with professionals to ensure proper setup. Poor Load Distribution : Unevenly distributing weight across the shelves can cause instabi


For example, in the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides guidelines and standards related to workplace safety, including requirements for maintaining safe storage practices and inspecting equipment. While OSHA may not explicitly mandate regular racking inspections, it does require employers to provide a safe workplace free from recognized hazards, which could include inadequate maintenance or inspection of storage systems. Similarly, in the European Union, regulations such as the Workplace Directive (Directive 89/391/EEC) and specific directives related to machinery safety may apply to warehouse operations, emphasizing the employer's responsibility to ensure workplace safety. Even if racking inspection is not explicitly mandated by law, neglecting to maintain safe storage systems could result in legal liability in the event of accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Therefore, while racking inspection may not be a direct legal requirement in

Choosing the Right Pallet Racking Supplier: What to Look For

Picking the correct pallet racking company is vital to guarantee the most efficient storage options to your distribution or warehouse center.   Below are some of the most important factors to take into consideration when choosing the right supplier 1.   Experience and Reputation Choose a company that has a wealth of experience within the field.   Proficient suppliers will better comprehend your needs and give solid solutions. Verify the reputation of the company through reviews from customers as well as case studies and reviews.   An excellent reputation can be an indication of high-quality goods and services. 2.   Quality of Products Ensure that the provider offers premium pallet racking that is in line with requirements of safety and industry standards. Find out about the material that are used as well as the processes for manufacturing to determine the longevity and dependability of the product. 3.   Range of Products A company that has a diverse variety of options can provide custo