
Showing posts from December, 2023

Tips for Choosing the Right Online Racking Inspection Training Course

Choosing the right online racking inspection training course is crucial for gaining the necessary knowledge and skills to perform rack inspections safely and effectively. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision: 1. Accreditation and Certification: Look for courses that are accredited by relevant industry bodies or organizations. Certification from reputable sources adds credibility to your training. 2. Content and Curriculum: Review the course content and curriculum to ensure it covers all essential aspects of racking inspection, including safety guidelines, different types of racks, inspection procedures, and applicable regulations. 3. Instructor Qualifications: Check the qualifications and experience of the instructors. They should have expertise in racking systems and be able to effectively communicate complex concepts in a clear and understandable manner. 4. Interactive Learning: Choose a course that offers interactive learning experiences. This could include pr

HSE Racking Inspection Legislation

Current legislation from HSE requires an employer to ensure that pallet racking is inspected on a regular basis and to maintain correct health and safety conditions. Your racking needs to be inspected annually by a SEMA approved racking inspector but also regularly by a “technically competent” employee within your company. In order to make sure that your employee has the skills needed to inspect your racking, Storage Equipment Experts offer a racking inspection training course run by one of our SEMA approved racking inspectors. Moreover, HSE requires that appropriate action is taken when any damage or defects to the racking are detected. Maintaining best practices in your warehouse is crucial for the safety of employees and achieving legal compliance. It also assists the smooth running of warehouses and ultimately improves business. However, it is not just HSE’s Warehousing and Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety that recommends regular racking inspections by a SEMA approved racking