
Showing posts from October, 2023

Common Racking Inspection Failures and How to Prevent Them

Briefly introduce the importance of racking inspections in warehouse safety . Highlight the consequences of neglecting racking inspections, such as accidents and inventory damage. Common Racking Inspection Failures: 1. Overloading: Explain how overloading racks is a common failure. Describe the risks associated with overloading, such as structural damage. Provide real-life examples or statistics to emphasize the issue. 2. Inadequate Rack Maintenance: Discuss how poor maintenance practices can lead to failures. Mention signs of neglect, such as rust, damaged beams, or loose connections. Explain how this can compromise safety. 3. Incorrect Beam or Upright Sizes: Explain the importance of using the right beam and upright sizes. Describe the consequences of using incorrect sizes. Offer tips on how to ensure proper sizing during installation or modifications. 4. Lack of Regular Inspections: Emphasize the necessity of regular inspections. Discuss how a lack of inspections can lead to undetec

SEMA Racking Code of Practice

  The SEMA (Storage Equipment Manufacturers' Association) Code of Practice is a set of guidelines and standards for the safe design, installation, and use of storage systems and equipment in warehouses and other industrial settings. SEMA is a UK-based organization that represents manufacturers and suppliers of storage and materials handling equipment. The SEMA Code of Practice provides recommendations and best practices for the proper management of storage systems to ensure safety and efficiency. While I don't have access to the specific content of the SEMA Code of Practice as my knowledge is limited to information available up until September 2021, you can obtain the most up-to-date version of the code directly from the SEMA website or by contacting them. They periodically update their guidelines to reflect the latest industry standards and safety regulations. When using the SEMA Code of Practice, it's important to ensure that you are referring to the most recent versio

What is Selective Racking?

Selective racking, also known as selective pallet racking, is a type of storage system commonly used in warehouses and distribution centers. It is designed to store palletized goods in a way that allows for easy access to each individual pallet. Selective racking is characterized by its versatility and efficiency in terms of storage and retrieval. Here are some key features and characteristics of selective racking: 1. Accessibility : Selective racking provides direct access to every pallet stored within the system. This means that each pallet can be easily located and retrieved without the need to move other pallets. 2. Single-deep storage : Selective racking is typically configured for single-deep storage, where each pallet is stored on a single beam level. This makes it suitable for a wide range of SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) types. 3. Adjustable : The beams of selective racks are often adjustable in height, allowing for flexibility in storing pallets of various sizes and heights. Thi